Our Services
At Nowak FS, the cornerstone of our approach involves helping our clients to clarify their lifestyle goals which become the foundation of their financial plan. We focus on what is most important to our clients and utilise our expertise to make the complex simple so you can focus on what matter most to you – whether it be protecting yourself and family with life insurance, developing a long-term wealth creation plan, or preparing for a retirement that will provide for the ideal post work lifestyle.
“Quality financial advice transforms people’s lives. As an adviser there is nothing more rewarding than helping my clients reach their financial goals and achieve the financial freedom to live the life they want to live.”
Michael Nowak – Director & Principal Adviser

Strategic Financial Advice

Our financial plans provide clear direction and a financial road map for those seeking long-term financial purpose. We tailor our plans to meet each clients financial needs be it optimising cash flow, channelling surplus funds to build long-term wealth tax effectively in ways such as paying down your mortgage or building your retirement assets. Financial plans evolve as you move through life’s phases and of course we are there with you as your financial guide to ensure that you make effective and informed long-term financial decisions.
Retirement Advice and Pre-Retirement Planning

Retirement is a stage in life that presents freedom and lifestyle choice… you have worked for it! We focus on working together with our clients and take them through a process to create their financial plan that simplifies their retirement affairs and empowers them to enjoy a worry free life in retirement.
Our retirement advice centres around establishing what you need each year to for your ideal retirement lifestyle by clearly establishing your living expenses, holidays etc. We then guide you through our advice process including working with you to choose the most suitable retirement fund that will deliver both peace of mind and sustainability over the long-term. We even help with you with eligible Government concessions and of course are there for you when you need us.
Our Investment Principles
We manage our client’s superannuation and retirement investments by providing a customised solution using six principles:

An easy to understand and transparent investment solution.

Long-term Focus
A clear investment strategy focused on our client’s long-term needs and preferences.

A tailored investment portfolio designed to achieve specific goals and objectives.

A focus on value (cost vs return) and a competitive price point.

Partnership with world class investment fund managers to leverage their expertise, experience and resources

A diversified investment portfolio utilising multiple asset classes in line with our client’s investment risk tolerance.
Nowak Financial Services is supported by the Alliance Wealth research team who subscribe to independent investment research providers Lonsec, Morningstar and Investment Trends to help formulate a stringent Approved Products List.
Nowak Financial Services considers the composition of investment portfolios on an annual basis and more frequently whenever necessary to ensure that:
- Portfolios are meeting client long term objectives
- Managers are performing as expected
- Changes in economic and market environments are being monitored
Life Insurance Advice

We provide a market leading life insurance advice offer originating with bespoke advice to implement or review your life insurance needs, but also continued ongoing advice and service to ensure a client’s insurance portfolio adapts to their changing needs throughout their lifetime.
Life Insurance Claims Management

At the time when our clients need us most, we take pride in offering a professional claims management service that helps manage and support our client’s claim to completion. Since 2008 Nowak FS has managed over 220 Life, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), Trauma and Income Protection claims for our clients and provided $36 million in vital life insurance payments to clients and their families. These insurance payments have helped our clients to focus on the important things in life – their health and their family.
Educating Clients

At Nowak FS we believe knowledge is power, which is why we are committed to building the financial knowledge of our clients. Financial literacy empowers our clients to make informed financial decisions that can change their behaviours to build the life they want to live (with strong financial foundations). Behaviour change doesn’t happen overnight, that’s why Nowak FS provides ongoing advice and support for our clients to achieve their financial goals.
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